Multi WebView + Admin Panel v3.2.0

8 months ago 23788

Multi WebView is a mobile application designed for the Android platform, specifically for multi webview functionality. It is compatible with Android 5.0 and above, allowing users to easily convert their websites into native mobile applications.

One of the key features of Multi WebView is its support for unlimited users and websites per user. Each user has access to a user panel to manage their website, while the admin panel allows the administrator to oversee all users and websites. Additionally, the app includes the ability to send Push Notifications and configure Google AdMob settings through the admin panel.

The app boasts a powerful and responsive Admin Panel that can efficiently manage an unlimited number of users and websites. For those interested in trying out Multi WebView, a demo is available on Codecanyon. The file provided for download is in its original state, with no modifications made to the developer's code.

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